Thursday, August 4, 2016

Proof That The Future Is All About The Past! Time Is In Another Dimension

I like to reminisce about the past. How about the future?! The future is all about influencing the past. Do we have free will? No. And we can't control what happens in the future. The outcome is one that we already know about. We have influence over the future. Since we can influence an outcome, then that implies only one thing: that the future governs the past, because it forces us to act a specific way at this moment! In other words, if we don't like what a future event already is, then we need to act differently at this moment. The future is forcing us to change the now. An event in the future, is like the person that is waiting on you from far away. That person is very angry. And that person will change, if only you change first. So even though someone is far away, they are still influencing you. In other words, time is just like distance. And different times are actually different distances. For example, this second is one inch away, and the next day could be 10 miles away. However, that still does not explain scientific theory of time; because there is a problem to the theory of time. Because time is also subject to another, I mean, the day is 10 miles, and the world can move, which means that the 10 miles (or 1 day) will be moving along with the next dimension.

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