Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Land Of Krulanis & The Arctic Desert

It is 10 pm in the lands of Krulanis, where the twilight is extremely unusual, even when compared to that of the Alaskan twilight of summer. I am here, for reasons that are simply inexplicable to me. It stays really dark that day, although it never gets darker after nine o'clock. It doesn't get darker, and it also doesn't get brighter, until 11:45 PM. The air is really cool and crisp, and the leaves are amazingly colorful during the day. And in that semi dark, bittersweet twilight, essentially life turns really bright. Why? because there, somewhere in the forest, I find someone who is lost. Lost... not only physically, as I am; it is someone who is lost mentally, as well as physically. It is someone who is talking in a foreign language, with great despair, waiting for any help to arrive, which is practically nonexistent. So I go and find that person. Then we go away from the forest. And I can see that the person is only a ghost, a dark figure against the twilight sky. It is a lady? So while I am still not sure about what type of person this is, I can see this person take out a flashlight. And that light is really magic as it shines toward my direction. And I feel a sense of euphoria. That's when the person must have decided something. Because they spoke in an incredibly prolific accent, and said in British, "love at first sight". So, when I think back on seeing the outline of the person, that person was really beautiful. The day was fading. However, the light which this person brought with her was keeping life brighter than what it really was. Next morning comes and I cannot find this lady anymore. Yet the day is full to the brim with brightness, and I keep wondering what it was in the far past (or future!), which was so crazy & unexplainable that it made the world spin. And soon, I notice someone asking me how to get to the beach. Yet I am in the middle of a desert full of sand...about 300 miles south of the arctic circle! Wait a minute. The nearest beach is approximately one thousand miles away. This strange person tells me that people like to roam these lands in the winter, just as though it were summer! I turn away for five seconds. As I turn back, the person is not there anymore. 

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