Saturday, July 30, 2016

What If?! (Are We Prepared?)

Let me tell you about one of the daydreams that I am having, and I will replace myself with the reader. So, you are out in the wilderness, hundreds of miles away from the nearest civilization. And you stay in there, in the same square mile where you are at for many months. Maybe you stay there for several years. And one day, something astounding occurs. Someone shows up. WHAT?! And that's where our mind turns off. We cannot explain everything with a coincidence. Please explain what you would do. Because it's simply unprecedented. What other indescribable mysteries are we going to ponder? Let's assume for the sake of the strangeness factor, that as the person you see walks past, it is winter. And it is well below zero. My mind would simply turn off, and I would essentially cease to be on the face of the Earth!

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