Wednesday, June 29, 2016
When Will Everyone Grow Up?
I have lived my entire life without antidepressants. And this has occasionally made life be incredibly difficult. On rare occasions, I despair about matters which are so trivial that it cannot really be explained. However, I also despair about events that are of this world. One of the reasons for despair is that I have practically no control about them. And this makes for a world which is unacceptable. The world in which we live, it is essentially a paradise, and it is poisoned. No modern political view, nor modern ideology seems to be able to get rid of the poison. And religion does nothing. Everyone is like little children. We are all distracted by the less important matters in life.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Why Do We Crave Narcotics?!
A new article sheds light about why people pursue the use of narcotics.
I was outside at night. I decided to be nocturnal. So I keep wandering around, yet all that I could see was a phenomenally dark, yet perceptible, red light emanating from everywhere. I kept trying to adjust to the darkness for months. And then came a time, when I could see everything as though the night had turned into daylight. And then, I decided that I would start enjoying the daylight instead. And it now seemed totally surreal. All of the foliage was no incredibly bright...the sky was really dark, nearly black. I could see through sunglasses. Then, I was given some glasses that seemed to be totally opaque. After months of seeing through the glasses, I now adjusted, and could now also see Ultraviolet light. And I was now roaming in a new world, that was wonderful. I could see things imperceptible to the usual people of Earth. I could see figures in haunted places. When I roamed the night, there were mysterious lights that seemed to wander everywhere. I took a trip to Mars, where the atmosphere is virtually nonexistent. And I tried out the UV glasses there on Mars. Now I could see much further into the UV spectrum. Yet there were no plants or life here. However, the air here was not enough to scatter the shorter wavelengths of light. I had to question, "are we more capable as people than what we ever think. Well apparently yes. In fact, I decided to go to the other side of Mars. And that's where the night sky was totally dark, without any light or air pollution. Oh, I could now see the universe live. And I could see spectrum of light invisible to humans on Earth. I attained many new color receptors. I had green, blue, and red. However, I also attained tens of intermediate receptors within RGB, as well as various UV receptors, and many infrared receptors. Now we had to figure out how to see the whole entire spectrum of electromagnetic light. Then we had to improvise. Why is it that I could not focus on narrow bands of the EMF spectrum? For instance, can I not focus on radiation with a wavelength limited to 500 to 501 nano meter ONLY?! Using an incredibly narrow spectrum, at the right wavelength, I could work on seeing far better from extremely immense distances. I could look ten miles away and see what the nutrition information on a candy bar says, or see individual bacteria, and all of this could be achieved with unaided eyesight.
Let's go away for vacation
Going away for vacations might seem like a great idea. However, I am still sad about all of the places that I have visited. Sure, I've been impressed. However, let me tell you something. I should take guests (friends) with me next time.
A Great Exploration
It has been really interesting, visiting places where I have never been before. It's truly mind boggling to me, when I think about the fact that there are towns and cities that I have never been to! Why, you say? Well, because a simple stroll across the streets of Michigan is enough to convince me that I am in another country. And despite this, there are other towns in other states?! It makes everything seem as though I am influenced by substances, even though I am not. Wait; There are other countries?! Give me a break, because all of this, is phenomenally overwhelming.
Why Are We Here On Earth?!
Why are we here? I ask because I don't know why I am here. After all, it will all go to waste some day...why do we indulge in everything, if it is only temporary?!
Monday, June 27, 2016
Since 2013, America Has Been The Calm Before The Storm
Calm Before The Storm, is the most intriguing time of life. Ever since the year 2013, there was a meteorological calm before the storm everywhere across America; It was a time when the weather seemed to be completely still, just like being on another world. In other words, America became practically devoid of any extreme stormy weather. However, despite the fact that this was incredibly surreal, this was (and still is) only a calm before the storm. When will this calm start to become more active? That is the question. I live far away from tornado alley. However, as far as I know, there have always been some impressive storms every spring. And now? It's extremely dry. We are like the plants, that like the sunlight, except that we dry up without the rain.
The Internet Is Still
The Internet Is Still, and silent. I can hear everything that there is to hear. I can see the universal background radiation as I turn on the broken TV. (Eh?) And people deactivate their accounts.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
I'm not under the influence of anything in this video by the way, so no, do I didn't when it's about manipulating the video with CGI or graphics. This is proof that we are an extension of the universe
Friday, June 24, 2016
Living Inside Of A Fluid
Ever been swimming, or stared down at a lake? Well, let me tell you something. One day, I was outside at night, and it was incredibly dark. Then, a light emanated from the darkness, and my life became just a little brighter. And I could see the daily flow of dust. It seemed just like a cloud, or fog, invisible without the right kind of light source. Now...that was astounding. This dust could have traveled from the other side of the world, for goodness sake! How is there stuff just floating around, in an invisible substance or fluid? Yes, and something else that's incredibly astounding, is that we are not drowning. Why? Because even though the world contains far more water than air, we've got the ocean above us! And it is volatile. Initially, what I was talking about when I talked about the dust that floats everywhere, was the air. However, there is a deadly ocean above us. There are a few lucky people who are in the midst of this ocean. It's an ocean that's so immense, it's mind boggling. It's practically devoid of any light, as well as air. This is the cosmos. When we look down at water, there is a substance there, and it is deadly. Yet here we are in the atmosphere, and there is a deadly cosmos above. And were we to go there, we would then be looking down at an ocean of air, which is not deadly. What a conundrum! We don't notice that we live in an ocean of particles, except when there is something like fog or dust to indicate that there is a fluid environment everywhere. And where there's fog...we might as well be living inside of a hybrid fluid, one that's pure air, full of water. The ocean in which we live in, the atmosphere, is extremely dynamic, and the surface is volatile swirling at well over two hundred miles per hour. The highest reaches of our atmosphere... absorb immense amounts of highly energetic particles. Air rises and falls just like the water in the ocean, thousands of feet. Ironically, the bottom of this ocean is warmer than the rest of the air around the Earth. Enormous and diverse clouds of water vapor form here, from fog at ground level, to clouds that can attain a height well above 60,000 feet. Some of the tallest clouds can start out at about one thousand feet at the base, and can give off immense amounts of energy due to daytime heating, and upper atmospheric lightning, which can attain altitudes at least ten thousand feet higher than the tops of the clouds. Then we reach the stratosphere, at 100,000 feet. At an altitude of 120,000 feet, is where aurora start to erupt. The atmosphere at this altitude becomes full of particles when the solar energy starts to sweep across, and the air can attain extremely warm temperatures of at least one thousand degrees, due to a concoction of all kinds of radiation, which can travel at millions of miles per hour. This immense amount of heat, however, would not really effect a person, as the heat is diluted. No matter how fast you were to travel across the vacuum of space, you might not be affected at all, except for stray particles. It would be just like staying motionless in our atmosphere, as there would be no don't know that you're inside of a fluid!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Let me tell you something about lying today. I do not specialize in lying. And I never want to! I am content with what I am great at so far
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
You Are Just An Extension Of The Universe
You know the incredibly saying,
“You must be shapeless, formless, like water..."(Bruce Lee)? Well, there is something that might be even more incredible about our life here on Earth. I don't know quite how to say it, although I will try my best. Go out into nature, just stay still under the sky full of stars...and be one with the universe. Be devoid of all worry whatsoever, because you are not just a are everything that there ever is...everything that's in the universe is you, so when something from our world gets destroyed, you are essentially still there, just not a person anymore. The universe is just an extension of yourself
The Most Incredible Place on well as Siberia, and the Andes Mountains. Leave me there, and I will be totally satisfied and one with nature.
I dream about snow in paradise...the warm atmosphere of the world, such as Mexico, is not for me. I was meant to explore the cool, crisp air such as in Russia. And to go to New Zealand, where the leaves will not turn color even in the winter. That is not the future; that is right now... as in, today. Here's an explanation Please refer to the transcript
Did You Get Your Placebo Today
Every day without anything is seriously a legit reason for despair. Don't worry, however. Because if we now go off topic, I can tell you something extremely perplexing. And what could be more perplexing, than getting tired in the morning, then taking a dose of Placebo?! And then I get someone who asks me, "Did you get your greens today?" I LOVE that question. "No, I most definitely did not get my daily greens; Why?...did I need to take them?" There is someone up above now, staring down at me. It is a friend of mine. And he is expressing great anger at not just my thoughts and questions towards people. He is also mad at the responses that people give me... Oh buddy, it might as well be the end of the world. I had no idea that the world works this way." The person who is looking down from above will get extremely mad, because he has been awaiting his prescription for over five hours. You may now ask yourself, "Why?" Well, because that person who is looking down on us, can no longer visit the most popular local pharmacy in town...(please refer to this transcript:
The Most Perplexing Illusion Of All
Why don't we ever achieve one hundred percent?! Why is it that after 99 percent, we get an amount of nines after the decimal, and they keep iterating, just like the 1 is into three parts and a number three contains a decimal, and this decimal is composed of nothing, except for threes. Now tell me, what is i (imaginary number) to the ith power? Tell me, is that (ONE) not an imaginary number?!
The Fractal Nature Of All Things, And All Knowledge
Why are you happy? Because that means that you might be living a really great life?
Why are you living a great life?! "Because you've found the purpose of life" have you found the purpose of life?! "Because I've been looking for it"
Okay... So why have you been looking for it. "Because I wanted to" now tell me...why did you want to? "Because something told me to?!"
Alright, why did something tell you to? Because it seemed right?! Alright, alright now...why did it seem right? "Because the world accepts your ways?"
Alright, alright, So now tell me...why does the world accept your ways? Because they are naive?
And why is everyone naive? "Because they are too lazy to think more profoundly (this is how the world works by the way...)
So I have a question for anyone reading this: Why are people too lazy to think more profoundly? And why must we stop when we come to the dead end of knowledge. Why?, why again...whywhywhy? Your circular reasoning will get us anywhere, by the way, so don't use that excuse to help and explain everything. Instead, think about the iterations in everyday life, the fractal like nature of all things
Why are you living a great life?! "Because you've found the purpose of life" have you found the purpose of life?! "Because I've been looking for it"
Okay... So why have you been looking for it. "Because I wanted to" now tell me...why did you want to? "Because something told me to?!"
Alright, why did something tell you to? Because it seemed right?! Alright, alright now...why did it seem right? "Because the world accepts your ways?"
Alright, alright, So now tell me...why does the world accept your ways? Because they are naive?
And why is everyone naive? "Because they are too lazy to think more profoundly (this is how the world works by the way...)
So I have a question for anyone reading this: Why are people too lazy to think more profoundly? And why must we stop when we come to the dead end of knowledge. Why?, why again...whywhywhy? Your circular reasoning will get us anywhere, by the way, so don't use that excuse to help and explain everything. Instead, think about the iterations in everyday life, the fractal like nature of all things
Monday, June 20, 2016
Bubbles In Earth's Atmosphere Causing GPS Disruptions
This is not a joke, either. Today I was trying toget directions using a GPS, and for some inexplicable reason, it sent me going in circle. After I got home today, this is the news:
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Creating A UV Camera...MARS!
I want to create a camera for photographing the world in ultraviolet light. The technology of this camera would be extremely specific as to what I am trying to achieve (exploring the invisible world of the UV spectrum, that is). This would not be your average camera. It would incorporate some really serious advancements in technology. I want the camera to be able to see various sub spectrums in the UV spectrum itself. And the range of UV light that it could see would be incredibly far ranging, much more than that of cameras that are modified for UV these days. For instance, the camera could see wavelengths far beyond (under) 300nm, and we could assign color coding to the specific wavelengths that comprise the UV spectrum, such as...
The camera would help us explore the entire spectrum of Ultraviolet light. Or if not, then individual spectrum that could be incredibly narrow, by using RGB. (Unfortunately enough, those are the only color sensors visible in human eyesight). We could select either extremely fine, or extremely wide ranges of UV spectrum. The camera could see a specific range of UV light. If we would want to see the other spectrums of UV light, then we could develop another camera, simply so that we could observe the UV spectrum in various ranges at a time, and also, that would help to create a much sharper image, albeit reducing light sensitivity of the camera sensor. So, in order to mitigate this issue, most especially problematic during lowlight, here's what could be done...
The camera would help us explore the entire spectrum of Ultraviolet light. Or if not, then individual spectrum that could be incredibly narrow, by using RGB. (Unfortunately enough, those are the only color sensors visible in human eyesight). We could select either extremely fine, or extremely wide ranges of UV spectrum. The camera could see a specific range of UV light. If we would want to see the other spectrums of UV light, then we could develop another camera, simply so that we could observe the UV spectrum in various ranges at a time, and also, that would help to create a much sharper image, albeit reducing light sensitivity of the camera sensor. So, in order to mitigate this issue, most especially problematic during lowlight, here's what could be done...
Designing The Camera Sensor
There are several new advancements in sensor design that have been developed very recently in order to achieve higher quality images in modern cameras in regular daylight. And some of those advancements are meant to produce higher quality in lowlight, given the fact that camera manufacturers keep wanting to create cameras with high resolution, leading to smaller pixels, which in turn simply cannot gather as much light as larger pixels, which is mainly a problem in cameras who's sensors have relatively low spatial resolution. So, here are the things that we could incorporate into developing a specialized camera for Ultraviolet imagery. First, we would make sure that the sensor has exceptionally high spatial resolution, which (unfortunately) would require lower resolution. Now, you might be asking yourself, "How about the resolution?" Ah! So we could incorporate a function into the camera, one that is rarely, if ever, found in modern cameras. That would be super resolution. This would work by taking at least four images, and overlaying each one on top of each other using a dedicated algorithm that would be either implemented in-camera, or in a photo enhancement program. Now, another thing that could be done is to use pixel sampling; this has already been talked about in my earlier post. Astoundingly enough, we can combine this with yet another technique. And in other words, this would be recreating the sensor that is found in the rather expensive camera sensors incorporated into cameras by Sigma, which use layers. Each layer is actually a sensor itself, and each one records a single color. The resolution is far higher than each sensor itself, and the resulting colors are supposedly more accurate than color from other cameras. To increase light sensitivity, we would incorporate a lowlight, or BSI sensor. And to top everything off, we would include the addition of quantum dot film, which would increase lowlight performance, as well as increase dynamic range even further.
Lenses are yet another important aspect of the camera that needs to be considered. First of all, as I have already mentioned, UV photography requires an extremely abundant amount of light. Yet what I forgot to mention, is the fact that modern camera sensors are not really that great at seeing UV light. They are great at seeing Infrared, yet for some reason UV does not lend itself well to modern camera sensors. So that might require a large sensor, such as one found in modern DSLR cameras, even if we reduce the resolution to allow for higher lowlight performance. And a large sensor might need a boost in depth of field. And to do that, one of the lenses that we could develop would be a very wide angle prime lens, and the aperture that would produce the brightest images would be as small as possible, and it would also need to be really high quality glass. Why a small aperture? you might ask. Because small apertures produce images with more depth of field, and depth of field is critical, especially on cameras that have A-PSC sensors and larger. Sure, with enough expertise, you can definitely mitigate this problem by taking advantage of the hyperfocal distance; However, this does not truly eliminate the problem whatsoever. So the quality of the glass in the lens would need to be really high, such as (for instance) the lenses of Zeiss or Leica, in order to achieve the highest possible image quality while being able to stop the lens down as far as possible.
The other lens that would be developed would be a prime lens with a large aperture. This lens would produce lower depth of field. However, this lens would be meant for lowlight photography. So to achieve greater lowlight performance, the lens would need to be as wide as possible, and have a wide aperture. Also, the focal length would be telephoto, or at least moderate (50mm) so that that the lens would be brighter. I don't know if that makes much sense; however, that is what I have found about lenses, that the higher the focal length, the better they perform in lowlight.
The Challenge Of Using The Camera On Earth
So the Earth's atmosphere traps an IMMENSE amount of UV light. And this does not necessarily mean that we are stuck in the dark (no pun intended). Instead, this gives us some extremely astonishing and incredible prospects on a planet such as Mars...Side note= (have you wondered why it is that NASA sent the HST into space?!) Lastly, I would just like to mention that I have written this, because it just seems astounding to me. I want to become an engineer some day...
The Challenge Of Using The Camera On Earth
So the Earth's atmosphere traps an IMMENSE amount of UV light. And this does not necessarily mean that we are stuck in the dark (no pun intended). Instead, this gives us some extremely astonishing and incredible prospects on a planet such as Mars...Side note= (have you wondered why it is that NASA sent the HST into space?!) Lastly, I would just like to mention that I have written this, because it just seems astounding to me. I want to become an engineer some day...
Friday, June 17, 2016
Paradigm Shift
I once noticed some impending clouds starting to form. There would be many storm storms that day. And this would mean something. I walked into a magic shop in Ohio. I did not know anybody there. I made up an excuse to engage in discussion with the manager, who had incredible discontentment towards me. The manager who was a crazy girl. From then on I asked if someone needed to lend me some help. I told her that I was looking for someone to go with to a rave party, play electronic games, and just encourage to win first place in the cosplay contest. And when she started to become more violent, I then changed my discussion, and said, "Oh, and keep in mind, I am fond of people who are knowledgeable, and who could discuss novels." Instead of helping, she goes outside, where ferocious storm clouds are gathering. And so there comes an eerie silence, and the air starts to get a strange atmosphere about it. It starts to get quite surreal. There is someone watching over me now. And whoever it is, has turned away. Initially, this paranormal entity was mad about all that I had said and asked that day. And it was even madder at the response. It was essentially the end of reality. And the beginning...of the most compelling story of all time...
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Stupid Excuses
Listening to songs like Nite Jewel, & A-trak is a truly neat riddle. And to listen to New Swing by Fox, makes me want to walk around the world by foot without stopping, just to no longer be a settler like all you freaks. World citizens will no longer be the most interesting people in the world, and that is because I will start walking around the Earth, I learn that one of the most amazing facts about life is that there is no purpose: in other words, you can be free as a kite. Are we settlers now? Or are we something even greater?! To walk across Russia, is akin to walking across all of Africa. And we must not stop there. We need to keep walking the narrow path, which is not even traveled at all, and we will track across every acre of this Earth, and traverse the beautiful, barren wastelands of the Arctic, and roam the valleys and surreal territories of South America. Some day, one of you, being a freaking settler, might as well quite being lonely and despair, all because you are not adventurous to walk the path less traveled. And you will come up with some phenomenally crazy excuses, and yeah. We are not free as a kite, or else we would not be seeking things that are considered by many as bad for us, such as fame and fortune. Yet I will be navigating all of Earth, and by the time I return to my hometown, people will be flying to Mars. Here in America, we have the towns and cities that are large and really clumped together, yet in Asia or Europe, they have the really dispersed miniature establishments. And we have the cars giving off more than carbon. They also give off ozone, practically turning skies into fog. And the ultraviolet radiation from our dear sun gets stuck in all of this ozone, while the Arctic and Antarctic are pummeled by unusually high ultraviolet light. At first I thought that maybe, just maybe, the climate would actually change, maybe even become warmer and far more hospitable. I cannot see the Milky Way from my residence anymore, so happiness when on vacation under the phenomenally clear skies of North America turns to despair, upon returning home...Under the clear skies, I keep thinking about what it must be like, to live in the midst of a frigid world, where it is fall and the leaves are really colorful and the air is incredibly crisp... And I also ponder finding true love in the barren wastelands of a world such as Eurasia. Wait a minute. For true love is totally nonexistent. This is what we have decided. We have decided to not despair anymore, while keeping our atmosphere extremely filthy. And it's not just the atmosphere of our world. It is the emotional and social atmosphere. Wait a minute; You may be wondering why I say this, for I am not financially, socially, economically, physically, nor mentally devastated... I am essentially decimated. And yet, I listen to Luck by Piecey
Haters... how to deal with issues
Essentially, life is made up of two realms, or portals. And one of them is pretty much a garbage can. And what is this portal called? It is proudly called falseness, or it can also be known as dishonesty. So we can use this portal when, for instance, we start to get haters or simply people who deny random friend requests from our wild imaginations, and we throw away everything...such as all of the freaking madness, as well as ignorance that is so present in social media, especially in my instance. That is definitely the most beautiful time in life, as it means that we will now consider all of the stuff that lowers us as individuals, as FALSE! And we must have the courage to tell this to all of the haters of this world. Now, I am really satisfied with the essence of life. Because while people try to bring us down, essentially, life will never give up on us.
Impossible To Explain (colors of the visible spectrum that we perceive as nonexistent)
On rare instances, some people are said to have far better color preception, and are able to see far more shades of colors than the usual, average individual. Yet this photo was taken using a camera, which see far less shades of color as opposed to human eyesight. The original photo is totally purple, so the fact that it turned into all of these shades is pure strangeness
Saturday, June 11, 2016
When The Cosmos Was Created....(My Inspiring Quote Of The Day)!!!!
...There was one major and important condition that came into place, and it would be governed by time itself. This can easily be summed up by the following words: "When The Cosmos Was Created....there were several major and important conditions that came into place, and at least one of them would be governed by time itself. This condition can be summed up by the following words: Nothing is absolute. And we should all keep that in mind"
Friday, June 10, 2016
Photograph In A Miniature World; How Do We Perceive The World (Tilt Shift Photography without using Tilt Shift lens, or Photoshop (FREE TECHNIQUE!)
YAY!!!!! I am here to explain to you a new technique that I have discovered just recently on how to dramatically increase DEPTH OF FIELD, without needing to dish out ANY money (well, once you have a camera of course!)
*You can scroll down to the paragraph before the last list if you are not patient*... Let's talk today about a hidden secret that involves zoom lenses for cameras (well, really it's true for many lenses that have a decently high magnification, such as a 50mm). For I have recently discovered something truly astonishing about this. Before we begin however, let me tell you about depth of field, otherwise written as DOF for short. As some might know, a very shallow DOF can be applied to relatively large scenes in order to create an illusion of very small, miniature, scale. And another fact that many might know already, is that this effect can be very easily created by two of the most popular tutorials, or techniques; the first would be to simply use a tilt-shift lens. Here are the pros and cons of this technique:
Pros: Tilt shifts produce exceptional image quality throughout the entire frame, or image. They can also be used to create a seemingly "infinite" DOF.
Cons: ...However, these are known to cost well over $1,000, even for the cheapest brands.
Now let's talk about the next technique, which is also pretty simple once you learn it. It's using Photoshop, in which you can easily manipulate DOF
Pros: This technique offers much more control over the DOF, since it is not "Taken; In other words, you can achieve various levels of DOF, whereas otherwise, if you had used a tilt shift, you would be limited to DOF that could only be smaller than the initial image; you could not increase DOF unless, of course, you start with an image that's taken using a regular lens. Either that, or you take an additional image with tilt shift, using a large DOF. This means that you might need to use up about twice as much space on your memory card. That might now be much of an issue when taking only one image, however if you keep taking more and more images, then that will become more of an issue, as memory used might stack up quickly
Cons: There aren't really any cons that I can think of, except the fact that as opposed to a tilt-shift lens, you don't have the effect in-camera.
Finally, we will talk about the last technique, which I have come up with myself. First of all, the great thing about zoom lenses is that you can use various focal lengths without needing to use different lenses. However, you do not necessarily need a zoom lens in order to achieve an unusually small DOF. First of all, here are the pros and cons of this technique:
Pros: Does not require special software, or lens (it's free!). Also, the really unique benefits are that you can achieve much higher resolution. Yet another interesting benefit is explained down below
Cons: It can often be really tedious, and does not work well in some conditions, such as when there's wind or objects in the scene are moving. Now...we can transition away from the "INTRO" and get to what this post was really meant to be about...
If you don't have Photoshop or GIMP, and cannot afford it, then what you would need to do is to download a program (one that I don't think most of us know of.) called Microsoft ICE. It's pretty perplexing, given that it's by Microsoft. I guess people just prefer other programs since they already have them installed. ICE was originally meant to produce images out of what are essentially multiple panoramas, (although it's basically a gridlike pattern that is composed of individual frames) in order to create what is called a collage, or a grid like pattern of images, creating a larger, much higher resolution, image. Generally, it will also have a much wider angle of view, depending on the lense's angle of view, how many images are used, as well as how much the images overlap...
In some ways, this method is less practical as compared to the other options; however, there is a benefit to this that many don't know; and it can help you become much better at achieving better compositions. This is because the resulting image contains multiple images, each with it's own composition. Wait... what does this mean to a photographer?! It means that a photographer can find images in the collage, and each will have a unique composition, and you could even find a composition somewhere in the collage that looks interesting, that you would otherwise miss or ignore, trying to just create a single picture. A single image is based on just one perspective, and by creating a collage, you can have many times more cropping ability without needing to have to reduce the image quality so much. So whatever lens you decide on, you need to consider the scene that you are photographing. A telephoto lens might be necessary in order to capture relatively small scenes, or to dramatically decrease depth of field. For closer focusing distances, you probably don't even need a telephoto lens at all; Feel free to ask: Any questions?
*You can scroll down to the paragraph before the last list if you are not patient*... Let's talk today about a hidden secret that involves zoom lenses for cameras (well, really it's true for many lenses that have a decently high magnification, such as a 50mm). For I have recently discovered something truly astonishing about this. Before we begin however, let me tell you about depth of field, otherwise written as DOF for short. As some might know, a very shallow DOF can be applied to relatively large scenes in order to create an illusion of very small, miniature, scale. And another fact that many might know already, is that this effect can be very easily created by two of the most popular tutorials, or techniques; the first would be to simply use a tilt-shift lens. Here are the pros and cons of this technique:
Pros: Tilt shifts produce exceptional image quality throughout the entire frame, or image. They can also be used to create a seemingly "infinite" DOF.
Cons: ...However, these are known to cost well over $1,000, even for the cheapest brands.
Now let's talk about the next technique, which is also pretty simple once you learn it. It's using Photoshop, in which you can easily manipulate DOF
Pros: This technique offers much more control over the DOF, since it is not "Taken; In other words, you can achieve various levels of DOF, whereas otherwise, if you had used a tilt shift, you would be limited to DOF that could only be smaller than the initial image; you could not increase DOF unless, of course, you start with an image that's taken using a regular lens. Either that, or you take an additional image with tilt shift, using a large DOF. This means that you might need to use up about twice as much space on your memory card. That might now be much of an issue when taking only one image, however if you keep taking more and more images, then that will become more of an issue, as memory used might stack up quickly
Cons: There aren't really any cons that I can think of, except the fact that as opposed to a tilt-shift lens, you don't have the effect in-camera.
Finally, we will talk about the last technique, which I have come up with myself. First of all, the great thing about zoom lenses is that you can use various focal lengths without needing to use different lenses. However, you do not necessarily need a zoom lens in order to achieve an unusually small DOF. First of all, here are the pros and cons of this technique:
Pros: Does not require special software, or lens (it's free!). Also, the really unique benefits are that you can achieve much higher resolution. Yet another interesting benefit is explained down below
Cons: It can often be really tedious, and does not work well in some conditions, such as when there's wind or objects in the scene are moving. Now...we can transition away from the "INTRO" and get to what this post was really meant to be about...
If you don't have Photoshop or GIMP, and cannot afford it, then what you would need to do is to download a program (one that I don't think most of us know of.) called Microsoft ICE. It's pretty perplexing, given that it's by Microsoft. I guess people just prefer other programs since they already have them installed. ICE was originally meant to produce images out of what are essentially multiple panoramas, (although it's basically a gridlike pattern that is composed of individual frames) in order to create what is called a collage, or a grid like pattern of images, creating a larger, much higher resolution, image. Generally, it will also have a much wider angle of view, depending on the lense's angle of view, how many images are used, as well as how much the images overlap...
In some ways, this method is less practical as compared to the other options; however, there is a benefit to this that many don't know; and it can help you become much better at achieving better compositions. This is because the resulting image contains multiple images, each with it's own composition. Wait... what does this mean to a photographer?! It means that a photographer can find images in the collage, and each will have a unique composition, and you could even find a composition somewhere in the collage that looks interesting, that you would otherwise miss or ignore, trying to just create a single picture. A single image is based on just one perspective, and by creating a collage, you can have many times more cropping ability without needing to have to reduce the image quality so much. So whatever lens you decide on, you need to consider the scene that you are photographing. A telephoto lens might be necessary in order to capture relatively small scenes, or to dramatically decrease depth of field. For closer focusing distances, you probably don't even need a telephoto lens at all; Feel free to ask: Any questions?
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Inexplicable Is Social Media
So I have lost friends on Social Media. What is truly inexplicable about this, is the fact that I started losing friends onced I changed my profile setting from private, to public. That says a lot about those friends of mine who just decided to quit.
Have You Ever Seen Your Life?!
I have never, ever, seen anything like this in my life:
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Elizabeth Gilbert & The Signature Of All Things
Monday, June 6, 2016
Some Notes About Achieving Extremely Shallow DOF Using Collage
Using the technique of creating extremely shallow DOF that I have just explained, there are yet some things to keep in mind that I hadn't included in my previous post. First of all, one of the cons that I didn't mention is that it will take up much more photographic memory . One of the things that makes this technique especially challenging is when the weather outside is partly cloudy, and when those clouds move quickly across the frame. This can result in images with uneven lighting. I would recommend using exposure bracketing, and/or RAW files. However, using a really low resolution can also be helpful in that 1) It will take up much less memory, and 2) It will be easier to align the images if, for instance, you're objective is to capture a forest, and you have moving foliage, although that can probably be corrected with ICE, and other software works really well for those kinds of issues. So, even though this technique comes with difficulties, would this sway you to stray towards another technique? Personally, these cons do not prove enough of a problem for me to need to get Photoshop or a Tilt Shift lens (or even GIMP!)solely in order to achieve the miniature effect. The next project that I would consider achieving would be to use a miniature effect to create time lapses of plant (forest) growth, as well as creating a "collage" of images, each showing one scene, and taken in a different season.
What I Have Learned From Creativity
I think that this would definitely expand peoples' imaginations. We could now envision "The Bonsai Forest". And it would actually be some place really familiar, and would now make us ponder the sense of scale...maybe we do in fact, live in a tiny world?! To get a sense of just what I'm trying to get across, I will need to embark on this project myself, and create a new perspective on our world.
Photograph In A Miniature World; How Do We Perceive The World (Tilt Shift Photography without using Tilt Shift lens, or Photoshop (FREE TECHNIQUE!)
YAY!!!!! I am here to explain to you a new technique that I have discovered just recently on how to dramatically increase DEPTH OF FIELD, without needing to dish out ANY money (well, once you have a camera of course!)
*You can scroll down to the paragraph before the last list if you are not patient*... Let's talk today about a hidden secret that involves zoom lenses for cameras (well, really it's true for many lenses that have a decently high magnification, such as a 50mm). For I have recently discovered something truly astonishing about this. Before we begin however, let me tell you about depth of field, otherwise written as DOF for short. As some might know, a very shallow DOF can be applied to relatively large scenes in order to create an illusion of very small, miniature, scale. And another fact that many might know already, is that this effect can be very easily created by two of the most popular tutorials, or techniques; the first would be to simply use a tilt-shift lens. Here are the pros and cons of this technique:
Pros: Tilt shifts produce exceptional image quality throughout the entire frame, or image. They can also be used to create a seemingly "infinite" DOF.
Cons: ...However, these are known to cost well over $1,000, even for the cheapest brands.
Now let's talk about the next technique, which is also pretty simple once you learn it. It's using Photoshop, in which you can easily manipulate DOF
Pros: This technique offers much more control over the DOF, since it is not "Taken; In other words, you can achieve various levels of DOF, whereas otherwise, if you had used a tilt shift, you would be limited to DOF that could only be smaller than the initial image; you could not increase DOF unless, of course, you start with an image that's taken using a regular lens. Either that, or you take an additional image with tilt shift, using a large DOF. This means that you might need to use up about twice as much space on your memory card. That might now be much of an issue when taking only one image, however if you keep taking more and more images, then that will become more of an issue, as memory used might stack up quickly
Cons: There aren't really any cons that I can think of, except the fact that as opposed to a tilt-shift lens, you don't have the effect in-camera.
Finally, we will talk about the last technique, which I have come up with myself. First of all, the great thing about zoom lenses is that you can use various focal lengths without needing to use different lenses. However, you do not necessarily need a zoom lens in order to achieve an unusually small DOF. First of all, here are the pros and cons of this technique:
Pros: Does not require special software, or lens (it's free!). Also, the really unique benefits are that you can achieve much higher resolution. Yet another interesting benefit is explained down below
Cons: It can often be really tedious, and does not work well in some conditions, such as when there's wind or objects in the scene are moving. Now...we can transition away from the "INTRO" and get to what this post was really meant to be about...
If you don't have Photoshop or GIMP, and cannot afford it, then what you would need to do is to download a program (one that I don't think most of us know of.) called Microsoft ICE. It's pretty perplexing, given that it's by Microsoft. I guess people just prefer other programs since they already have them installed. ICE was originally meant to produce images out of what are essentially multiple panoramas, (although it's basically a gridlike pattern that is composed of individual frames) in order to create what is called a collage, or a grid like pattern of images, creating a larger, much higher resolution, image. Generally, it will also have a much wider angle of view, depending on the lense's angle of view, how many images are used, as well as how much the images overlap...
In some ways, this method is less practical as compared to the other options; however, there is a benefit to this that many don't know; and it can help you become much better at achieving better compositions. This is because the resulting image contains multiple images, each with it's own composition. Wait... what does this mean to a photographer?! It means that a photographer can find images in the collage, and each will have a unique composition, and you could even find a composition somewhere in the collage that looks interesting, that you would otherwise miss or ignore, trying to just create a single picture. A single image is based on just one perspective, and by creating a collage, you can have many times more cropping ability without needing to have to reduce the image quality so much. So whatever lens you decide on, you need to consider the scene that you are photographing. A telephoto lens might be necessary in order to capture relatively small scenes, or to dramatically decrease depth of field. For closer focusing distances, you probably don't even need a telephoto lens at all; Feel free to ask: Any questions?
*You can scroll down to the paragraph before the last list if you are not patient*... Let's talk today about a hidden secret that involves zoom lenses for cameras (well, really it's true for many lenses that have a decently high magnification, such as a 50mm). For I have recently discovered something truly astonishing about this. Before we begin however, let me tell you about depth of field, otherwise written as DOF for short. As some might know, a very shallow DOF can be applied to relatively large scenes in order to create an illusion of very small, miniature, scale. And another fact that many might know already, is that this effect can be very easily created by two of the most popular tutorials, or techniques; the first would be to simply use a tilt-shift lens. Here are the pros and cons of this technique:
Pros: Tilt shifts produce exceptional image quality throughout the entire frame, or image. They can also be used to create a seemingly "infinite" DOF.
Cons: ...However, these are known to cost well over $1,000, even for the cheapest brands.
Now let's talk about the next technique, which is also pretty simple once you learn it. It's using Photoshop, in which you can easily manipulate DOF
Pros: This technique offers much more control over the DOF, since it is not "Taken; In other words, you can achieve various levels of DOF, whereas otherwise, if you had used a tilt shift, you would be limited to DOF that could only be smaller than the initial image; you could not increase DOF unless, of course, you start with an image that's taken using a regular lens. Either that, or you take an additional image with tilt shift, using a large DOF. This means that you might need to use up about twice as much space on your memory card. That might now be much of an issue when taking only one image, however if you keep taking more and more images, then that will become more of an issue, as memory used might stack up quickly
Cons: There aren't really any cons that I can think of, except the fact that as opposed to a tilt-shift lens, you don't have the effect in-camera.
Finally, we will talk about the last technique, which I have come up with myself. First of all, the great thing about zoom lenses is that you can use various focal lengths without needing to use different lenses. However, you do not necessarily need a zoom lens in order to achieve an unusually small DOF. First of all, here are the pros and cons of this technique:
Pros: Does not require special software, or lens (it's free!). Also, the really unique benefits are that you can achieve much higher resolution. Yet another interesting benefit is explained down below
Cons: It can often be really tedious, and does not work well in some conditions, such as when there's wind or objects in the scene are moving. Now...we can transition away from the "INTRO" and get to what this post was really meant to be about...
If you don't have Photoshop or GIMP, and cannot afford it, then what you would need to do is to download a program (one that I don't think most of us know of.) called Microsoft ICE. It's pretty perplexing, given that it's by Microsoft. I guess people just prefer other programs since they already have them installed. ICE was originally meant to produce images out of what are essentially multiple panoramas, (although it's basically a gridlike pattern that is composed of individual frames) in order to create what is called a collage, or a grid like pattern of images, creating a larger, much higher resolution, image. Generally, it will also have a much wider angle of view, depending on the lense's angle of view, how many images are used, as well as how much the images overlap...
In some ways, this method is less practical as compared to the other options; however, there is a benefit to this that many don't know; and it can help you become much better at achieving better compositions. This is because the resulting image contains multiple images, each with it's own composition. Wait... what does this mean to a photographer?! It means that a photographer can find images in the collage, and each will have a unique composition, and you could even find a composition somewhere in the collage that looks interesting, that you would otherwise miss or ignore, trying to just create a single picture. A single image is based on just one perspective, and by creating a collage, you can have many times more cropping ability without needing to have to reduce the image quality so much. So whatever lens you decide on, you need to consider the scene that you are photographing. A telephoto lens might be necessary in order to capture relatively small scenes, or to dramatically decrease depth of field. For closer focusing distances, you probably don't even need a telephoto lens at all; Feel free to ask: Any questions?
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Back From The Future Creative Writing
This is not a true story.*
One day I had decided to sleep inside of my enclosed porch. It was about 45 degrees throughout the night for over eight hours, starting at about 10:30 pm; And this was the day that I had started to dream of the future; well, at least I thought it was occurring in the future. It was now 2:40 am. For some inexplicable reason, something had told me, that I was dreaming of something that was to take place three weeks in advance.The best way for me to describe all of this was would be to say that it was an era in time dureing which people would no longer be close minded; as soon as I awoke, I observed a light through my porch window, looking out towards the forest of mushrooms. The mushrooms range in size from nearly microscopic, up to about one foot in height. It was exactly twelve o'clock. Then, at 2:40 am, I awoke as if fully invigorated. And as I awoke, I stared at this forest; and I noticed what seemed like a light, one that was in the shape of a spiral, about a few inches wide and tall, that didn't really change size or shape. Instead, it moved altogether. The shape of the light made it seem as though there were a trail of light made by someone waving a flashlight around, weaving in and out of the thick forest of mushrooms. And as this light moved, the mushrooms would mysteriously start swaying back and forth, depending on where the light ended up. For instance, when the light was at the base of the ground, the mushrooms would bend one way, and if the light was at the very top of the mushrooms, then the would bend another way as they gently swayed. One day I decided to investigate this phenomenon even further. I met up with a renowned scientist, who had several credentials, including a degree in biology, and chemistry. The credentials that he was probably most notable for include quantum mechanics. His name was Arthur Gansin. Initially, he could not come up with any reasonable explanation. So I decided to work with him in finding out just what all of this was about.
Meanwhile, exactly one year later (and also at 2:40 am), my cousin was awoken by a voice that came to him in strange frequencies. So he rushed over to the kitchen, and peered out of the kitchen window. That turned out to be a life changing experience. Unfortunately, however, the sound that he had heard did not come from the other side of the window; it had emanated from a totally different area near his house. Yet one day he told me that, as he peered through the window, he noticed frost forming. And what made this even truly peculiar was the fact that, according to him, the frost tried to form in a spiral like pattern. At times it had difficulty trying to form, as though something like warm current or air, were trying to melt it. Yet they would keep trying to reform, and the whole entire phenomenon seemed much like something that someone would observe on a window for instance, as water tries to form, dissipate, and maybe even reform. I decided that all of this was truly remarkable. However...I was taught as a child, that everything that occurs in life, is usually nothing more than just a coincidence, and never something "supernatural". However, another year later, another event was observed at 2:40 am. That night, a series of strange patterns formed around peoples' gardens in my hometown of Lamandis. I don't know whether or not this is relevant; however, Lamandis is a very interesting town; nobody from this town knows where the name of the town came from. Tens of people took notice of the patterns in their yards after they had awoken from strange dreams in which a breeze came over them. And one of the people claimed to have actually captured this breeze in an airtight flask. The patterns were composed of lights that shined in all directions, extremey brightly. I would not say that these stories were made up, because the light that I had observed, I had never told anyone, and had told Arthur that he would not tell anyone either.
Narration: 240 days later, and hundreds of miles away, in a desolate corner of Uruguay, another strange event occured at 2:40 pm; A tribesman had just observed what seemed like a town appearing suddenly out of nowhere. And this town happened to have the same "identity" as Lamandis. That is, all of buildings tha showed up were an exact match. Another detail that is very compelling is that, soon before observing this town, the tribesman had dreamed about a light. And it turns out that while observing this light, there was a frigid airmass, or "straw of air", which seemed to settle on him. The air mass was shaped just like a tube, about a few inches wide, and approximately five meters long. The air seemed to be as cold as the Andes. Paradoxically enough, however, the tube of air seemed to also be emanting a strange yet highly energetic form of energy that was invigorating, just like mint. Meanwhile, the surrounding air was over ninety degrees.
Then one day came, when I noticed something even more explicable, and it occured 240 days after the unknown light patterns had been observed. I realized that spiral shapes are very unique; they occur in plant and animal life alike. Yet they also occur in space, defining the movements of planets and other cosmic objects. And it just so happens, that they exist wherever light is to be found. And as I'm thinking about all of this, that's when I receive a call. It's Arthur. He tells me that there is now an explanation for the phenomenon of the light that I had observed. Arthur conducted many experiments to verify that this could actually happen. What he discovered, is that he was unable to recreate this exact phenomenon; however, he was able to recreate something that was remarkable similar. He explained to me the fact that there are many phenomenon which currently cannot be reproduced in a lab, due to the fact that they involve complex processes that we are still trying to understand. He also explained to me that the lights could only be a result of extremely complex particles, which have the extremely unique ability to change direction, depending on extremely minute changes in air temperature. Also, they change position, based on minute changes in wind speed. This discovery has since become very well known throughout the United States. Yet how this phenomenon was able to occur in such a natural setting, is totally perplexing. There is yet something else that I have found extremely perplexing; For in the past, I have always assumed that it was my dream that had led to these events. Yet that is simply not the case; In fact, it is the events themselves that have caused my dream. Now a totally new paradigm shift in thinking about the world is in motion. That is, that the future can effect the past. In other words, even though I don't really have any words or way to explain all of this, I now know that time went backwards some days. I receive another call from Arthur. This time he tells me that he received a flask from Lamandis, my hometown. And inside this flask was a parcel of air which was captured. It was pure Oxygen!!!!!!!
One day I had decided to sleep inside of my enclosed porch. It was about 45 degrees throughout the night for over eight hours, starting at about 10:30 pm; And this was the day that I had started to dream of the future; well, at least I thought it was occurring in the future. It was now 2:40 am. For some inexplicable reason, something had told me, that I was dreaming of something that was to take place three weeks in advance.The best way for me to describe all of this was would be to say that it was an era in time dureing which people would no longer be close minded; as soon as I awoke, I observed a light through my porch window, looking out towards the forest of mushrooms. The mushrooms range in size from nearly microscopic, up to about one foot in height. It was exactly twelve o'clock. Then, at 2:40 am, I awoke as if fully invigorated. And as I awoke, I stared at this forest; and I noticed what seemed like a light, one that was in the shape of a spiral, about a few inches wide and tall, that didn't really change size or shape. Instead, it moved altogether. The shape of the light made it seem as though there were a trail of light made by someone waving a flashlight around, weaving in and out of the thick forest of mushrooms. And as this light moved, the mushrooms would mysteriously start swaying back and forth, depending on where the light ended up. For instance, when the light was at the base of the ground, the mushrooms would bend one way, and if the light was at the very top of the mushrooms, then the would bend another way as they gently swayed. One day I decided to investigate this phenomenon even further. I met up with a renowned scientist, who had several credentials, including a degree in biology, and chemistry. The credentials that he was probably most notable for include quantum mechanics. His name was Arthur Gansin. Initially, he could not come up with any reasonable explanation. So I decided to work with him in finding out just what all of this was about.
Meanwhile, exactly one year later (and also at 2:40 am), my cousin was awoken by a voice that came to him in strange frequencies. So he rushed over to the kitchen, and peered out of the kitchen window. That turned out to be a life changing experience. Unfortunately, however, the sound that he had heard did not come from the other side of the window; it had emanated from a totally different area near his house. Yet one day he told me that, as he peered through the window, he noticed frost forming. And what made this even truly peculiar was the fact that, according to him, the frost tried to form in a spiral like pattern. At times it had difficulty trying to form, as though something like warm current or air, were trying to melt it. Yet they would keep trying to reform, and the whole entire phenomenon seemed much like something that someone would observe on a window for instance, as water tries to form, dissipate, and maybe even reform. I decided that all of this was truly remarkable. However...I was taught as a child, that everything that occurs in life, is usually nothing more than just a coincidence, and never something "supernatural". However, another year later, another event was observed at 2:40 am. That night, a series of strange patterns formed around peoples' gardens in my hometown of Lamandis. I don't know whether or not this is relevant; however, Lamandis is a very interesting town; nobody from this town knows where the name of the town came from. Tens of people took notice of the patterns in their yards after they had awoken from strange dreams in which a breeze came over them. And one of the people claimed to have actually captured this breeze in an airtight flask. The patterns were composed of lights that shined in all directions, extremey brightly. I would not say that these stories were made up, because the light that I had observed, I had never told anyone, and had told Arthur that he would not tell anyone either.
Narration: 240 days later, and hundreds of miles away, in a desolate corner of Uruguay, another strange event occured at 2:40 pm; A tribesman had just observed what seemed like a town appearing suddenly out of nowhere. And this town happened to have the same "identity" as Lamandis. That is, all of buildings tha showed up were an exact match. Another detail that is very compelling is that, soon before observing this town, the tribesman had dreamed about a light. And it turns out that while observing this light, there was a frigid airmass, or "straw of air", which seemed to settle on him. The air mass was shaped just like a tube, about a few inches wide, and approximately five meters long. The air seemed to be as cold as the Andes. Paradoxically enough, however, the tube of air seemed to also be emanting a strange yet highly energetic form of energy that was invigorating, just like mint. Meanwhile, the surrounding air was over ninety degrees.
Then one day came, when I noticed something even more explicable, and it occured 240 days after the unknown light patterns had been observed. I realized that spiral shapes are very unique; they occur in plant and animal life alike. Yet they also occur in space, defining the movements of planets and other cosmic objects. And it just so happens, that they exist wherever light is to be found. And as I'm thinking about all of this, that's when I receive a call. It's Arthur. He tells me that there is now an explanation for the phenomenon of the light that I had observed. Arthur conducted many experiments to verify that this could actually happen. What he discovered, is that he was unable to recreate this exact phenomenon; however, he was able to recreate something that was remarkable similar. He explained to me the fact that there are many phenomenon which currently cannot be reproduced in a lab, due to the fact that they involve complex processes that we are still trying to understand. He also explained to me that the lights could only be a result of extremely complex particles, which have the extremely unique ability to change direction, depending on extremely minute changes in air temperature. Also, they change position, based on minute changes in wind speed. This discovery has since become very well known throughout the United States. Yet how this phenomenon was able to occur in such a natural setting, is totally perplexing. There is yet something else that I have found extremely perplexing; For in the past, I have always assumed that it was my dream that had led to these events. Yet that is simply not the case; In fact, it is the events themselves that have caused my dream. Now a totally new paradigm shift in thinking about the world is in motion. That is, that the future can effect the past. In other words, even though I don't really have any words or way to explain all of this, I now know that time went backwards some days. I receive another call from Arthur. This time he tells me that he received a flask from Lamandis, my hometown. And inside this flask was a parcel of air which was captured. It was pure Oxygen!!!!!!!
Friday, June 3, 2016
The inter web is one truly mysterious place. In fact, the so called "glitches", are even stranger due to the fact that they can hide in the deepest recesses of the cyber net. Anyways, this is the story of one of my strangest discoveries while online. And although I can't prove it, I will give you instructions on how to make this "glitch" work on your system, so that you can clearly see what is happening these days. Now...
Instructions: First I would like you to please visit the following
Now that you have visited, I would like you to please copy this link. Paste it onto FB, and notice that the glitch is there. HUH?!!!!?!?!?!?!!! I told you
Thursday, June 2, 2016
A Story Once Told By My Uncle
My uncle once told me one intriguing story, that was supposedly based on real events. So there are some americans that pick up a native South American from the middle of the jungle, and transport him at least well over 100 miles. Upon landing and the native getting out, he later made his way back to his tribe.
A Very Interesting Blog
I have found this blog in particular as truly compelling
Dreaming Of The Invisible
One day I dreamed, at 2:40 am, about a window that was totally opaque, made up of black glass. After some time, the window turned totally opaque. And I now observed the outside; and what I witnessed, was literally a world bathed in visible, as well as invisible, waves of light! The outside was bathed in a combination of yellow, UV, long wave IR, as well as a slight, yet perceivable, amount of green.
lOMIN ACREOT: The Conundrums And Difficult Issues Of Life, War, and Everything In General
I've been talking to a person named Iomin Acreot. Iomin tries explaining to me that practically everything should be explained using nothing more than mere common sense! "How is that?" I have to ask. "...Anything that has to do with common sense, is everything that has to do with the most difficult to answer questions, even those involving the origins of the cosmos.Common sense? PSSH; Sense is merely an illusion, albeit a perfect one, that never fails to fool us. So much so, in fact, that it is totally mind boggling, and we never even think about it, since we have become accustomed to it." That's when he changes the topic abruptly, to speak about something that might be even more interesting: "Should a storm generate power, will it the lightning be smaller yet more numerous? Or will it be more isolated, and more potent?" They say strength comes in numbers. So that brings up a whole new set of conundrums, that can apply to our own world in general. For instance, when we are entering into nuclear warfare with say China, and over the course of World War 3, they send us four nuclear bombs on our land, each 5 megatons...and we reply to them by sending them 10 nuclear bombs, each of them amounting to one megatons, then there will be no winner, right?! Assuming that all factors are the same, since many factors can play a role in deciding who is the so called "winner" of war, then we can now come up with a really compelling analogy. Let's just assume that China is where I reside; it's my backyard. And USA is my distant neighbor. So now I decided that I would create a stockpile of a scaled down nuclear explosion, equal to 100 sticks of TNT. So I take five packs, each containing 20 sticks of TNT, and my neighbor, the USA throws ten packs of TNT onto my backyard; and these are each made up of ten sticks, then who is the winner?! How about this; If instead, the USA decides to just unpack and throw 100 sticks individually onto my yard, then how in the world will we know what tactic worked the best?! See what we will have to try to solve in the event of a modern day nuclear war? The issues are truly mind boggling, to say the least. This is only one of many conundrums that we need to consider throughout life in general. Getting back to the story, we only needed to use some common sense (more or less) to realize how complicated something like war can be. Let's try to find another meaning in the story of the impending storm; To tell the story in other words, we have a recipe, and it calls for three ingredients: A butterfly effect, some telepathy, and to top all of it off, maybe even a slight dusting of meteorology. On a last note, keep in mind, that common sense is merely a key to understanding; and that is what makes it remarkable...
The Story Of Beauty vs Love: Something That Doesn't Always Go Well Together
There was a lady driving only about 20 feet ahead of us. She would weave haphazardly in and out of traffic, which happened to be dangerously close behind her. A moment later, she starts to shake violently, as if entranced by something. Soon enough, she throws her hands up in the air as if to say something like, "I give up". I don't know where that phrase comes from, yet that's about the first thought that came into my mind, as well as the fact that she seemed to be a Canadian and African hybrid. We eventually gain enough courage to pass her. And as we do so, I peer out of the window. And as I do, I am extremely compelled, for some inexplicable reason, to say the following phrase: "I don't know what love is.", as she is leaning on the window with one hand covering her face; I guess the reason for that is that I was trying to get into her shoes. Another reason could be that since, for the moment, she seems to be more much more attracted to cars rather than people. However if I had said my thoughts out loud that day, then they would have probably scattered into thin air, just as light scatters through our atmosphere. And that is cause for despair; After all, I risked my life for someone just decided to be devoid of love (at first sight?!), as well as ugliness. That is because pretty much all of the time, beauty and love together never form a true relationship, and therefore aren't always together. Such a story is based on real events, yet I was extremely compelled to turn such a strange event into something that can teach us something really philosophical, in a humorous yet interesting way.
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