Thursday, June 2, 2016

lOMIN ACREOT: The Conundrums And Difficult Issues Of Life, War, and Everything In General

I've been talking to a person named Iomin Acreot. Iomin tries explaining to me that practically everything should be explained using nothing more than mere common sense! "How is that?" I have to ask. "...Anything that has to do with common sense, is everything that has to do with the most difficult to answer questions, even those involving the origins of the cosmos.Common sense? PSSH; Sense is merely an illusion, albeit a perfect one, that never fails to fool us. So much so, in fact, that it is totally mind boggling, and we never even think about it, since we have become accustomed to it." That's when he changes the topic abruptly, to speak about something that might be even more interesting: "Should a storm generate power, will it the lightning be smaller yet more numerous? Or will it be more isolated, and more potent?" They say strength comes in numbers. So that brings up a whole new set of conundrums, that can apply to our own world in general. For instance, when we are entering into nuclear warfare with say China, and over the course of World War 3, they send us four nuclear bombs on our land, each 5 megatons...and we reply to them by sending them 10 nuclear bombs, each of them amounting to one megatons, then there will be no winner, right?! Assuming that all factors are the same, since many factors can play a role in deciding who is the so called "winner" of war, then we can now come up with a really compelling analogy. Let's just assume that China is where I reside; it's my backyard. And USA is my distant neighbor. So now I decided that I would create a stockpile of a scaled down nuclear  explosion, equal to 100 sticks of TNT. So I take five packs, each containing 20 sticks of TNT, and my neighbor, the USA throws ten packs of TNT onto my backyard; and these are each made up of ten sticks, then who is the winner?! How about this; If instead, the USA decides to just unpack and throw 100 sticks individually onto my yard, then how in the world will we know what tactic worked the best?! See what we will have to try to solve in the event of a modern day nuclear war? The issues are truly mind boggling, to say the least. This is only one of many conundrums that we need to consider throughout life in general. Getting back to the story, we only needed to use some common sense (more or less) to realize how complicated something like war can be. Let's try to find another meaning in the story of the impending storm; To tell the story in other words, we have a recipe, and it calls for three ingredients: A butterfly effect, some telepathy, and to top all of it off, maybe even a slight dusting of meteorology. On a last note, keep in mind, that common sense is merely a key to understanding; and that is what makes it remarkable...

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